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Birthday June 12 2010
Dni list
Byf I May somtimes make edgy jokes ,May make grammer mistakes(Give me time to correct it/tell me),May repeat questions,May vent alot in trusted friends dms/trusted servers,I may get insecurities sometimes Friends Rqs are Semi-closed I Dont Accept random friend rqs. I only accept random friend rqs to chat without a server and more
Pc specs/phone h610m-e d4,I3 12100f,Gtx 1650,8Gb T-force ram,256Gb Addlink storage (Windows and this ssd is dying)/512Gb intel ssd (Cachyos),Montech kinda broken case,BenQ gw2270h monitor,Generic Office chair,ikea desk,razer cobra (wired),razer ornata v3 x,A55 samsung phone
Some stuff i use

I use Cachyos (arch linux btw) and Atlas os(To play games that might not run under linux)

Linux + Lutris + Steam = Linux master race

My code editor is Vscodium somtimes might use regular vscode (vscode oss?)
  • Gaming
  • Making sites/Programming ig
  • Drawing Maybe
  • Editing Maybe
  • Anything tech related
  • Halflife series (LOVE THE ACTION and maybe story)Hl2 lambda emoji
  • Portal series (story is alr)
  • Spacecore nyan cat
  • Oneshot series (BEST STORY EVER niko want pancakes)
  • The amazing digital circus Caine pog (Not a big big fan but still good show)
  • Minecraft funny block game
  • GMOD No lifer ong
  • History
  • Geography
  • Tech
  • This site // Source under credits/site info
  • Shiggy license and shiggy website // Source Site
  • Omg-lol template (stole the html and css send me a message if you want it removed) // Source
Occupations (Its offcenter ik)
  • Nothing :(
    • Past
  • Thunder inc (2023-2024)
  • trg kinda sucks tbh(no offense)
  • Tmi (2023-2023)
  • My friend was a mod on it i left when i found out he left
  • School discord server (2023-2024)
  • Was removed due to inactivity
  • School (2015-2022)
  • i was forced to drop out due to chaos and stuff but might come back someday
    Events am celebrating
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    Credits/Site info Font called satoshi Background by danc3r and uses code/html/js from ai , Yunexiz
    , Rushy EducatedSuddenBucket and icons from various sources (wikipedia,google,etc)
    Some Images hosted on Catbox Help palestine banner from here Some assets have their
    own copyright some assets are avaible under SMLAP more info in projects
    By connecting to this site you agreeing to my terms or service and privacy policy
    Source code on codeberg SMLAP